Get all the gear you need as well as the safety gear you want to have on the boat, and buttoned up in a great value gear bag. Not always the same brands, but always the same quality gear you'll love for the family trips, wherever it may take you on your boating experiences!
Pick from a good-better-best-advanced mentality from these great options bundles into the great prices:
-Intro ($119) (Does not include Duffel Bag)
-Primary ($585)
-Gold ($945)
-Platinum ($1,795)
-Reserve ($3,200)
-Medallion ($3,900)
-Intro/Primary Products include: (Some picking of products from different manufacturers varies from store/online depending on size of boat, inventory etc... However will come with most current and accurate products for your boating safety gear & Xtra's)
Collapsible Paddle (Any Cheaper Paddle) |
Fire Extinguisher (Portable/Handheld) (5 or 10) (110's put out paper Fire's specifically for Houseboats or over 22' boat) |
Flag |
Bailing device |
Horn & Whistle |
Specifically HO Seat Cushion Type IV for most Universal (Blue PT# HS-66000800) |
Specifically HO Sports AK-1 Vests Type II for the most universal (Orange PT# HS-66018000) |
Can also if out of AK-1 vests, a size run of universal sizing of Nylon HO Vests |
Xtra's: |
Engine Cut off Switche/Lanyards |
Bungee Dock Ties QTY 2 (Radar, Ronix, HO, H/L, Connelly, Airhead etc...) |
Inflatable Buoys QTY 2 (Ronix, H/L etc...) (Depending on size, preferably put in the smaller size of inflatable Buoys) |
Ballast Impellors QTY 1 (Spares should come W/O-Ring PT# JPA-09-824P-2 (Orange)/6-6303000724-1 (Green) |
Impellor Spare (Supra & Moomba's have the same PT# 18-3306 includes Kit & lube) Other Boat companies see Parts Dept. |
Drain Plug Spare (Some boat manufacture sizing might be different) Also for when u winterize boat or PWC's |
Ronix Fin Bag (For spare fins/hardware/cutting accessories/allen keys/Screwdivers/etc...) |
Spare Fin bag for Hardware of all kinds (Putting keys for trailer in case won't back up/Float Keys/Drain Plugs/Spare Tube Boston Valve/Engine Drain Plug/Spare Center Plug/Spare Impellor/Utility Knife |
MP Float Keys (QTY 2 of different colors, also use for connecting to screwdriver and for surf fin keys to float) |
Spare Boston Valve (HO/Airhead 2-Pack/O'brien/Connelly are the most versatile) |
Engine Drain Plug (When Winterize) |
Spare Center Drain Plug (Most boats only come with 1) |
Auto inflatable Type 1 CGA Vest (Great to have if on boat by themselves) |
Docking lines 2-PK's 3/8"-1/2" is the best (U want Dock lines usually a bit longer than ur size of boat) |
Box or flute style Anchors depending on sizing (Shackles and Carbieners) (Prices Vary) (Box anchors are recommended due to having a nylon sleeve for storage to not scratch boat) |
Box Anchor or Flute 7/16th Shackles & Caribeaner 2 of each (QTY 4 Total) |
Anchor Lines 50'-200' And having 6' of chain (Chain not required w/Box Anchor) |
Yeti Rambler/Coffee Rambler |
Follow Pack up Changer Towel |